It's 12:14:11 6 listeners (10 in peak):   Jonathan D… - The New Zealand… Jonathan Dunn - The New Zealand Stor…

25 | Rob Hubbard

1955-00-00 in Kingston upon Hull (England)

Has 8 chart hits on RolandRadio. Rate Rob Hubbard's titles!
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Some random productions for which Rob Hubbard wrote the music

Saboteur 2
Transatlantic Balloon Challenge
Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle
Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle

Jingles Rob Hubbard did for RolandRadio

We have no jingles of Rob Hubbard yet. Get in contact and ask to do some!

We have 28 titles of Rob Hubbard (8 of them are chart titles)

The total playing time of all Rob Hubbard titles is 01:11:31.
Due to the low total playing time of less than one hour and thirty minutes, no artist-only show is possible yet.

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 11366
2025-03-07 15:30:34 Rob Hubbard Chain Reaction 00:02:52 521
2 12364
2025-03-08 04:19:25 Rob Hubbard Commando (Ingame) 00:02:38 582
3 12365
2025-03-14 16:31:45 Rob Hubbard Commando (Level Completed) 00:00:06 618
4 12366
2025-03-14 21:39:23 Rob Hubbard Commando (Menu) 00:02:04 630
5 12367
2025-03-13 20:22:24 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Intro) 00:01:44 513
6 12368
2025-03-13 01:10:22 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 1) 00:01:22 550
7 12369
2025-03-13 15:24:20 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 2) 00:02:53 531
8 12370
2025-03-14 10:33:04 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 3) 00:02:01 500
9 12371
2025-03-13 10:16:02 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 4) 00:01:59 535
10 12372
2025-03-09 10:34:37 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 5) 00:02:54 538
11 12373
2025-03-09 20:32:19 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 6) 00:01:58 494
12 12374
2025-03-09 12:23:05 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 7) 00:02:41 549
13 12375
2025-03-12 12:28:06 Rob Hubbard Dragon's Lair 2: Escape From Singe's Castle (Level 8) 00:02:15 556
14 12376
2025-03-14 15:24:32 Rob Hubbard Five a Side Soccer 00:02:25 538
15 11858
2025-03-15 10:18:08 Rob Hubbard Hydrofool 00:03:04 522
16 11868
2025-03-05 13:05:01 Rob Hubbard International Karate 00:01:49 521
17 11867
2025-03-11 20:37:49 Rob Hubbard International Karate Plus 00:08:02 497
18 12377
2025-03-14 04:57:10 Rob Hubbard Monty On The Run 00:03:44 529
19 13914
2025-03-12 15:23:22 Rob Hubbard Monty On The Run (Game over) 00:00:09 499
20 13915
2025-03-11 15:21:26 Rob Hubbard Monty On The Run (High score) 00:02:06 491
21 12378
2025-03-11 23:29:47 Rob Hubbard Nemesis The Warlock 00:04:28 536
22 12399
2025-03-15 01:16:15 Rob Hubbard Saboteur 2 00:02:14 640
23 12379
2025-03-14 12:24:45 Rob Hubbard Shockway Rider 00:03:15 545
24 12380
2025-03-13 12:30:30 Rob Hubbard Spellbound 00:02:52 570
25 12617
2025-03-11 01:23:58 Rob Hubbard Tarzan 00:01:47 507
26 12381
2025-03-12 04:27:32 Rob Hubbard The Last V8 00:02:04 524
27 12382
2025-03-10 12:28:15 Rob Hubbard Transatlantic Balloon Challenge 00:03:09 511
28 12383
2025-03-08 15:28:31 Rob Hubbard Warhawk 00:02:56 654
Total duration: 01:11:31  
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